In these times that are defined by uncertainty…
Have you ever wondered if there is a resiliency quotient? I have. I theorize that there are a set of values that make one person more resilient than another, but what are they?
Do you think resiliency and values are correlated? I hypothesize that resiliency and values are directly correlated and impact each other.
…But are they? In the wake of challenge and hardship, resiliency gives one the strengths to revisit values and check-in with them – a values audit.
Join me as I chat with different friends, peers and leaders and we discuss their values, resiliency, and leadership. Over the course of many conversations, I hope to answer my burning question and many more.
During episode 7, season 2, I was so honored to interview my friend, Tom Thomas. Tom is the CEO and Co-Founder of Votegrity, my former MBA peer, and I sit on the founding team with Tom at Votegrity. His values are empathy, hard work, everyone has value, equity, psychological safety, take everything at face value, and growth mindset. I so LOVED his thoughts on the "impossible being something that hasn't been solved yet..."
How does solving hard things help you build your resiliency muscle?
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During episode 6, season 2, I had the privilege of interviewing one of my very dear friends, Gilbert Archuleta. Gilbert is the Director of Customer Energy Management at Puget Sound Energy. His values are authenticity, financial security, and diversity. I so LOVED his thoughts on the importance of being authentic, and how critical it was for him to find his voice, lean into his voice, and then create pathways for others to use their voice.
How does authenticity and using your voice help you build your resiliency muscle?
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During episode 5, season 2, I had the privilege of interviewing Rob McKenna. Rob is the Founder and CEO at WiLD Leaders and Founder of the WiLD Foundation. He defines his values are editability, humor and grace, walking in the tension (noted below). What a truly incredible conversation (back space key), and so fun, to have this conversation with Rob directly following my conversation Daniel Hallak, Chief Commercial Officer at WiLD Leaders. Rob is such an incredible thinker, he is thoughtful, and so vulnerable. Love, LOVED his definition of resiliency: "Fundamental tension of staying true to ourselves, and staying connected with the people around you, in a meaningful way."
How do you continue to stay true to yourself while building your resiliency muscle?
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During episode 4, season 2, I had the privilege of interviewing Daniel Hallak, PHD. Daniel is the Chief Commercial Officer at WiLD Leaders. I just LOVED our conversation - Daniel is just as passionate about people, development of leaders, and development of the people we support as I am. He defines his values, those that he is inspiring towards, as influence or impact, congruence, and people or relationships. However, he also believes that values can change depending on the situation or circumstance.
How does our resiliency as leaders influence or impart resiliency onto those we support and lead.
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During episode 3, season 2, I had the privilege of interviewing Karan Ferrell-Rhodes. Karan is the CEO & Lead Organizational Strategist at Shockingly Different Leadership. She defines her values as connectedness, security, and achievement. Karan introduced me to the idea of pivoting to where you need or want to go, versus letting go. Karen notes, "It's puts the power back in your hands. The power of moving forward and control and making decisions."
How does pivoting help people be more resilient?
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During episode 2, season 2, I had the privilege of interviewing Mikaela Kiner. Mikaela is Founder | CEO at Reverb, a consulting firm that provides flexible HR services for fast growing companies. She defines her values as kindness, independence, and adventure. Her and I share a passion for people and empathy. I loved the Brene Brown idea of "Clear is Kind" that Mikaela and the Reverb team practice.
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Welcome to season 2, episode 1 of the Resiliency Theory podcast. During episode 1, Rob Gregerson, editor extraordinaire, flipped the script and interviewed me. Yikes! Eeeek! I share my own personal story. My exploration of resiliency stems from trying to understand my successes despite of extreme challenges while growing up. My quote, "How the hell did I become so successful throughout all of the adversity I experienced year over year..."
Rob helped uncovered what resiliency means to me and where it stems from. My story of resiliency is not a judgement of anyone elses' choices, but rather stops along the path to building my resiliency muscle and propelling me to whom I am today.
Please note... this is my own personal journey and stories to share.
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During episode twenty-six, I had the privilege of interviewing Rob Gregerson. Rob is the editor of this podcast, and through this journey of editing and talking and adapting to feedback has become an incredible friend who is insightful, caring, and one of the most authentic humans I know. He defines his values as humor, honesty, curiosity, transparency and vulnerability, creativity, and empathy. Listen to two friends talk about resiliency, values, and how important transparency and vulnerability are to helping people be resilient.
Join in on the conversation: Do you think sharing your story and being authentic, helps teach others how to be resilient?
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During episode twenty-five, I was honored to interview Jamie Hall. Jamie is an empathetic, calming, and genuine human, who I've had the priviledge of working with and call my friend. She defines her values as resiliency, refinement, spotinaity, grace, perspective, readiness, compassion, forgiveness, and adaptibility. I loved her metaphor of resiliency being similar to seasons. This quote - "adversity is the birthplace of innovation" - so GREAT
Join in on the conversation: Is adversity the birthplace of innovation? If yes, why?
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During episode twenty-four, I interviewed Michael Dwomoh, PhD. Michael defines his values as family, adventure, creativity, friendship & faith. Michael's story... when asked... his upbringing, background, work experience, and opinions on resiliency are so interesting to listen to. He and I had a very insightful conversation about resiliency and how important it is to have a Plan B.
Join in on the conversation: Why is it important and what does it take to develop your Plan B
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During episode twenty-three, I interviewed Jacy Imilkowski, think: “I-milk-cows-on-skis” if you need to remember it, is a certified project manager, resilience and burnout prevention coach, laughter leader, and a certi-FIABLE communication nerd with over 20 years’ experience coaching, training, and leading teams. She defines her values as future & optimism, safety, respect & joy, and integrity. Her and I had such an engaged and passionate conversation about resiliency, personal development, building our muscle. I loved her thoughts about how resiliency is a skillset that we can develop over life.
Join in on the conversation: How to develop the skillset of resiliency and grow your muscle
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During episode twenty-two, I had such a fun time interviewing my friend Saveria Tilden, CEO and Founder of AdventurUs Women about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as empathy, authenticity, honesty, and vulnerability. I so appreciated her thoughts on setting a plan A, B, and C.
Join in on the conversation: How being resilient allows you to take risks and fail, and continue to build your resiliency muscle
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During episode 21, I interviewed Courtney Clark, Engaging Keynote Speaker and Accelerated Resilience Expert about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as connectedness, collaboration and supporting people building work they are passionate about, and doing hard things first.
Join in on the conversation: How does doing hard things first help develop your resiliency muscle
During episode 20, I interviewed my friend Megan Kennedy, Director, Resilience Lab at University of Washington about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as compassion/self-compassion, interconnectedness/oneness, drive to be in service, hope and optimism, and creativity and adaptability.
Join in on the conversation: How does adaptive leadership help develop your resiliency muscle
During episode 19, I interviewed Jen Armstrong Co-Founder at HERE about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as empathy, gratitude, adventure & freedom, mindfulness, and determination.
Join in on the conversation: How does mindfulness support your resiliency
During episode 18, I interviewed Karin Hurt, CEO and David Dye, President at Let's Grow Leaders about values, resiliency, and leadership. They defined their values as growth, integrity, human connections, authenticity and enthusiasm.
Join in on the conversation: How does courage help develop your resiliency muscle
During episode seventeen, I interviewed my friend Melanie Vargas, Founder | CEO, Leadership Coach, People Consultant at Radical Ignition about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as balance, belonging, growth, family oriented, and fun-spirited.
Join in on the conversation: How balance can help develop your resiliency muscle
During episode sixteen, I interviewed my friend Martin Gallagher, CEO at The Clare Foundation about values, resiliency, and leadership. He defines his values as passion, commitment, loyalty, dependability and reliability, self-belief, and integrity.
Join in on the conversation: How tenacity can help develop your resiliency muscle
During episode fifteen, I had the privilege of interviewing Jennifer Brown, award-winning Entrepreneur, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant, Speaker, and Author about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as compassion and curiosity, fairness, justice, love not fear, and equity.
Join in on the conversation: How authenticity supports building your resiliency muscle
During episode fourteen, I interviewed my friend Lisa Cilento, who does Business Development in Clinical Research about values, resiliency, and her journey surviving cancer. She defines her values as having a strong work ethic, an adventurous spirit, and loyalty.
Join in on the conversation: Why is letting go so critical to building the resiliency muscle
In this episode, I interviewed Gina London, former Emmy-winning CNN correspondent and CEO of Language of Leadership about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as kindness, curiosity, and committed to growth.
Join in on the conversation: How does connection support us building our resiliency muscle
During episode twelve, I interviewed Michelle Sermon, Vice-President, Global Learning & Organizational Development and DEI at CKE Restaurants, Inc. about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as integrity, connectedness, and assuming positive intent. "I wouldn't take nothing from my journey now." Maya Angelo
Join in on the conversation: How do we lean into our journey, no matter how uncomfortable, to build our resiliency muscle
During episode eleven, I interviewed Melissa Grace, Branch Manager at Expeditors about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as hard work (what you do above and beyond), compassion, excellence (being competitive, pushing harder, and being consistent), and continuous improvement.
Join in on the conversation: Leading from a place of curiosity and compassion
During episode ten, I interviewed Kim Bohr, COO of Waldron a consultancy firm focused on career management and career transitions about values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as accountability, transparency, drive, integrity, and curiosity.
Join in on the conversation: Leading from a place of curiosity and compassion
During episode nine, I interviewed Sean Goode, Executive Director of Choose 180 about values, resiliency, and leadership. He defines his values as grace (equally applied or it’s favoritism), conviction of stewardship not ownership, and possibilities over problems.
Join in on the conversation: How a mental reframe of problems to possibilities build our resiliency muscle
During episode eight, I interviewed Ryan Schmid, President and CEO of Vera Whole Health, my friend, and one of the most authentic and humble leaders I know. We discussed values, resiliency, and leadership. He defines his values as hard work, problem solving (overcoming obstacles), humility (to be humble – the opposite of entitlement), gratitude, and optimism.
Read my blog: How does mindfulness support your resiliency
During episode seven, I interviewed my colleague Hannah Nokes, Co-Founder and Chief Optimist at Magnify Impact on the topics of values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as optimism (abundance), curiosity, and grit (a girl after my own heart).
Join in on the conversation: How can you demonstrate an abundance mindset
During episode six, I interviewed my friend Susan Black, Child & Adolescence Psychiatrist on the topics of values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as family, responsibility to family, self-reliance, sense of meaning (purpose), and having inner peace and contentment.
Read my blog: Self-reliance versus resiliency
During episode five, I interviewed my friend David Traub, President at Topline on the topics of values, resiliency, and leadership. He defines his values as fidelity (integrity & honesty), the idea that people are naturally good, and growth mindset.
Read my blog: How growth mindset drives resiliency
During episode four, I had the pleasure of interviewing Marilyn Gist, PhD, author, speaker, and professor at Seattle University on the topics of values, resiliency, and leadership. She defines her values as humility, integrity, excellence, servant leadership, and personal agency. The Extraordinary Power of Leader Humility, being released on September 22nd. You can find it here:
Read my blog: How practicing personal agency and humility drives individual resiliency
Episode three is a fun conversation with my friend Kent Thoelke, the Executive Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer at PRA Health Sciences, on the topics of values, resiliency and leadership. Kent defines his values as authenticity, tenacity, fearlessness, and being there for others.
Read my blog: Being an authentic leader - building the resiliency muscle
Episode two is an inspiring conversation with Louise Chernin, the President and CEO of the GSBA (Greater Seattle Business Association), on the topics of values, resiliency and leadership. Louise defines her values as equity and equality, honesty and integrity, compassion, collaboration across different communities, and diversity and inclusion.
Read my blog: Creating an inclusive environment
In this episode, I explore with my friend Karen Bryant (KB) the former CEO of Atavus Sports and former President and CEO of the Seattle Storm the topics of values, resiliency and leadership. Karen defines her five values as integrity, ambition and drive, optimism, reliability, and adaptability.
Read my blog: Is resiliency a muscle?
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